January 22,2023
During my prayer time this morning the Lord revealed a few things.
1- He confirmed a massive shake up about to take place in the church that will shake it to its core.
2- Realigning of leadership. The body of Christ has ranks just like the angels do. It doesn’t matter what city, state etc if you’re part of the 5 fold ministry (apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher or shepherd) the old is gone, the new is here to take over as the Lord has given them authority.
3- We will do greater things than Jesus did. Get ready to see the dead be raised as a daily occurrence. The glory is coming.
As we spoke He said…
“I’m giving you greater authority to uproot wickedness within the church and I will use you to cleanse the prophetic office. Many arrows will be coming your way but we’ve been through this before. They hated me, they will also hate you. I am your shield and buckler. I shall repay.”
Commissioning and mantles are about to be released to the remnant in the name of Yeshua.
Get ready. The cleansing of the church is at door.
Which means government comes next.
