Released 06/28/2024
Laire tell them I’m coming to bring order into chaos. Do not despair. What you’re about to see is my doing to bring this corrupt coup to an end once and for all. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. There is none greater. We’re reached the end of this show. The charades and impostors are done. The dominoes are falling. The last curtain call has gone out. All battle ready soldiers called to their stations. Enjoy the show. I AM SOVEREIGN AND KING OVER THE EARTH. I hold it’s deed and I’m claiming what belongs to me. I can’t lose. All eyes on me. I’m the perfecter and finisher of your faith. Let faith arise as my enemies scatter.

Yes, the Lord is in control!
I have been waiting for this moment to happen for decades as I started to wake up some 30 years ago but even more since DJT took office.