
The Storm
I just woke up from a dream (01/15/2025) . I got to meet DJT and ask him any one question. He entered the room in a black suit. This suit...

Last Curtain Call - The End is near.
Released 06/28/2024 Laire tell them I’m coming to bring order into chaos. Do not despair. What you’re about to see is my doing to bring...

Perilous Times
03/27/2024 Oh Lord. Beautiful Savior. Holy Spirit hit so hard. The Lord is laughing so beautifully at the calamity striking at noonday....

The Church Divided 03/15/2023
I was talking to the Lord this morning… The hidden ones I prophesied about a while back…the ones assuming their rightful positions in the...

A reminder is coming.
Word received 09/16/2023 With much fear and trembling before Adonai I release this word. During my worship time I was transported before...

US. Church Leaders
Prophetic Word. 08/11/2023 I commanded you to come out from among them and be ye separate not bring the world into the church. I...

The New Era has commenced.
Word Released 07/20/2023 The time has come for me to make all things right. For the upside-down to be turned right side up. For those who...

Time is up!
Prophetic Word I received from the Lord on March 8th, 2023. My beloved, I know it seems like you’ve been waiting forever for me to...

Judgment Washington DC
I just a vision of DC. 02/11/2023 A huge tornado was ripping through each government building. The Lord had sent it. The fear of the...

The New Era Lions.
The Lord just said “This new ERA is for the LIONS I’ve been preparing behind the scenes. The unknowns shall rise with the fire of my...

The Final Push
WOAHHHHH. 😭😭🔥🔥 03/15/2023 The anointing is on me so strong. 😭😭 Holy Jesus! The Lord said this battle would have never been won if...

I am tearing it all down.
Word I received from the Lord on 03/20/2023 For there to be a rebuilding there needs to be tearing down. A tearing down of old systems...

The Reckoning is Here.
Prophetic Word - 01/18/2023 They forgot who’s in charge. I’m about to remind them. They will never forget again. Fire and fury is at the...

The Ekklesia
Prophetic Word January 20, 2023 “I AM doing something NEW in the Ekklesia. The way “it’s been” will no longer work. There’s a major...

January 22,2023 During my prayer time this morning the Lord revealed a few things. 1- He confirmed a massive shake up about to take place...

Prophets Arise
Prophetic Word for the prophets…January 23, 2023 “ARMOR UP PROPHETS we are going to finish the job. You go before my angels. As the honor...

Justice shall fall like rain. 12/04/22
The left cries out with no one to hear them. Where is the victory you promised us Baal? Where is the help you promised? They cry but no...

The Showdown 10/16/22
One of the most difficult prophetic words I've had to release so far. I do it with fear and trembling of the Lord most High. As I sat...

Fire & Fury 9/24/22
Prophetic Word the Lord just released to me. HOLY HOLY HOLY is He who sits at the right hand of the MOST HIGH for all power, dominion and...

The RETURN of my David 9/10/22
The RETURN of my David Prophetic Word. The return has been initiated by my servants the generals in charge of my nation America. Do not...