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The Storm

I just woke up from a dream (01/15/2025).

I got to meet DJT and ask him any one question.

He entered the room in a black suit. This suit started black at the top and faded into a picture by the pant legs.

The picture was DJT walking with an umbrella  and a crowd of ppl behind him in the middle of a storm. These ppl I knew in my spirit helped him clean up the globalist cabal.

Flynn was among them.

Right behind DJT so I knew he had an important role.

The jacket had what looked like rain drops painted or printed to look like a storm.

He sat in a chair and looked into my eyes with such joy and smiled.

Immediately I realized HE IS THE STORM.  DJT is the STORM. The storm isn’t an event we’re waiting for, it’s a person. It’s him.

He realized I got it and smiled even bigger.

As I looked in his eyes the Lord said “you’re looking at the king of the northern alliance. He’s the king of the north.”

My eyes watered because of what this man had done. He had done it.  He rid us of the globalists.

He says to me, ask me anything.

So I said, were the assets of the globalists confiscated already or is that to come?

He smiled at me as if it had already been done and I woke up.

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