I feel like the Lord is closing many doors in the natural to swing open the gates of Heaven. There are so many earthly commissions ending so that the heavenly commission can commence.
If God didn’t move you...you wouldn’t have moved.
What you think was an ending, it’s a new beginning. You’re about to step into your very destiny. Everything the Lord has been preparing you for. Acceleration is coming and you’re stepping into the new in the blink of an eye.
As I was praying yesterday YAHWEH says “they may be cunning but I’m giving you heavenly strategies.”
That’s for YOU too my friend. If you’re a child of God...God is for you!
I declare that heavenly strategies are made known to you this day. I speak to your sonship...remember who you are. Remember you have a purpose (Jeremiah 29:11-13) You are loved. God is working everything together for your GOOD (Romans 8:28). He is aligning your steps. There is no misstep in your life. There is no failure in your life the Lord will not use to make you stronger. I break all hexes, vexes and incantations spoken against you and your family in the mighty name of Yeshua.
Commissioning is happening right now. What may seem like it’s “falling apart” right now, I declare that it’s only falling into place!
Yeshua is King and very much in charge.